Boot Wash Station

Boot Wash Station
Single Person Boot Wash Station
Boot Wash Station
Single Person Boot Wash Station



Our versatile range of boot washers are capable of interlinking to support a single person or hundreds of people on a large scale project.

Integrating a boot wash station on your site can reduce the frequency of unnecessary slips, trips and falls. It does this by providing a solution for maintaining clean footwear and keeping your boots keep free of mud and other potentially harmful items collected from your boots on site.

The boot wash systems are design to be lightweight but heavy duty and robust. Units come as standard with a built-in settlement system for ease of cleaning and removing waste. Each boot wash incorporates a heavy-duty brush, hose and spray nozzle.

Key features and benefits

  • Powerful cleaning system
  • Settlement system within the boot wash for ease of cleaning and removing waste
  • Prevents cross-contamination
  • Easy to install 
  • Linkable 
  • Lightweight and can be moved manually 
  • Durable and capable of surviving harsh environments 
  • Next day delivery via pallet network is available



Single Boot Wash Station
Height 1000mm
Width 460mm
Length 600mm
Weight 24kg Approx (empty)